Mark Christian

Mark Christian
Premium chocolate chronicler
New York, NY

"Looking at the stars, after all, reflects who we are"

of 7 billion creatives chasing devils
for fame, money, power & sex
one, freed from soul corruption
drops in the pond leading to the creek
to the stream, the river, the lake, ocean
as Bohm's implicate orders a butterfly
to flap its wings in the Amazon 
unleashing Indian monsoons
in naturally ganged chaos
of rhythmic curves versus
econometric growth models
time / light = vision which projects optimism 
looking at the stars, after all, reflects who we are... 
even, and especially, in a downward spiral
Transforming the world of chocolate... bite-by-bite, bar-by-bar. 
~ Mark Christian

Mark Christian (Xian) unveiled the C-spot™ at the Smithsonian in 2010, followed by its public release.

He earned his Ch.D while researching the chocolate underground, surveying barsmiths in some of the most far-flung places before delving into the seedy world of cacáo breeding and genetics where he was mentored by Dr. Basil Bartley (field and lab scientist at CEPEC in Brazil). Owner of the private travel firm, he has been able to visit the “20/20 Zone”—that magic belt 20º north and south of the Equator in which cacáo only grows.
Xian commutes between his hometown around the Great Lakes and NYC where he moved to attend Columbia University. Since then he has appeared on radio and TV, in magazine and newspaper interviews, spoken at conferences and shows such as the Northwest Chocolate Festival, and consulted for various projects including the World Bank’s COCOA-RAAN initiative in Nicaragua. In 2013, Xian was named the Director of the Heirloom Cacao Preservation (HCP) Fund.
Learn more about Mark and his work at the C-spot.