The Muse: December 2018

The Muse

December is always the shortest month of the year. It lasts about two days.

That's how it feels for me. Never enough time for anything. Not enough time to design and send holiday cards. To go to our local treelighting festivities or the holiday train that comes through our town (missed all that this year). Nor to get this newsletter out on time (but here it is, finally!)

And then you stop and say, wait a minute. Is that all there is to life? A to-do list? All this productivity we're supposed to engage in, all the time?

I work non stop, even if it's work I love doing. Clients. Publishing. Art exhibits. A new poetry experiment. And all the behind-the-scenes work that takes. Not to mention the domestic side of life, which takes up so much time but no one ever really talks about. Or, perhaps most critically, keeping up with the continued onslaught of news (mostly negative, and that's an understatement. More on that next month—I promise it won't be an "existential crisis" Musing).

I do let myself get distracted. The most recent distraction came in the form of an article about Einstein. This one. It stopped me in my overproductive tracks.

Because it's about solitude. Not loneliness. Solitude. That quiet reflective time many of us probably wish we had, deep down. That time and space that we need to be able to think, daydream, solve problems, draw insights, and ultimately, make decisions. If you're on a treadmill, you literally can't think. There's a different process that takes place in your brain when you're not apparently "doing" anything.

Apparently a lot more than when you are doing something. That "lot more" seems to include being more sociable.

Ah the irony of the human mind.

Being more sociable is what we need. More connected. More face-to-face time. More real conversations. And a little more quiet, non productive time.

I'm looking forward to having a little downtime, finally. And I hope you do too.

Have a blessed holiday.

~ Birgitte

Time for the little artist to pick up her brushes again.

Aria Luna has been invited to do a new exhibit next spring, even as her current one is still very much in demand (Fusion Tide moves to the new YouTube buildings later this month, and next year it will be in San Francisco at the consulate).

We'll post sneak previews of the new works on Aria's Instagram so catch her there!

Speaking of exhibits, we finally managed to publish her first exhibit, Dragon Storm, from a year ago. I know, crazy. But, it's up on her site, with a nice little gallery of photos.

If only that magical world of children were real, real enough to send Celseous and Soloar to redirect the wildfires and protect the towns and the forests... because we all know they'll be back next year, as fierce as ever.

Knowing that, that these wildfires will happen again, makes the work Aria's doing all that more poignant, and powerful, for us adults especially.

Children understand the deeper things of life on a more instinctive, less rational level, because they have simply not taken on all those layers of programming and "life experience" that we often have to push against, if we want to see the inner core of things. It's that innate connection to the world we live in, not the world we adults have constructed, that makes our little ones much wiser than we give them credit for.

This Saturday, December 22, Aria and I would like to invite you to Marcela's Village Gallery for a special holiday celebration. We'll have light refreshments and beautiful gift items for the holidays from several local artists (including Aria Luna).

Address: 883 Santa Cruz Avenue, Menlo Park, CA
Date: December 22, 4-8pm

Please RSVP directly to Marcela, the gallery owner.

We were supposed to have this event a few weeks ago, but Marcela had an unfortunate fall and had to have surgery on her arm. She may have lost a few weeks of sales, but as I told Marcela, sometimes life makes us slow down, even in the most inconvenient moments. Health and wellbeing come above just about everything else.

Not local or can't make the event? The 15% holiday discount for our online shop has been extended till December 31: JOY2018

Check out the greeting cards... sending friends and loved ones handwritten notes never goes out of style, selfies be warned!

If you love photography, you might want to get a Limited Edition copy of our award-winning book Tsunami: Images of Resilience, signed and numbered.

Above all, have a beautiful, bright, and blessed holiday, wherever you are! Another year is coming to a close, and it feels like only yesterday I was writing the year-end edition for 2017.

May we all slow down a little in 2019.

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