The Muse :: Issue Twenty-Nine :: January 2015 :: Glorious and New

I haven't made any New Year's resolutions.

I find renewal so much more refreshing.

It's "new" year, not "resolved" year. Granted, our planet is a sphere and therefore has no specific beginning or end point, but because we are a curious species that likes to measure and analyze and quantify things, we have calendars and those calendars have cycles and rituals, beginnings and endings. (Lots more I can share on that topic but that's for another time...)

Why "resolve" to exercise more, eat healthier food, be more productive/educated/happier/sociable/lovable/whatever, when all you have to do is renew? Renew your attitude, refresh your routine, revitalize your lifestyle and your energy. When you approach the New Year at this deeper level, it all percolates through to the top, and impacts EVERYTHING. The things you do, the things you say, things you eat/drink/think.

Like a volcano, you know.

A volcano doesn't say, well, this morning I think I'll erupt just a little differently on this side over here, and tomorrow I'll make a frightening new crack on my north face, that'll throw the forecasts off good.

A volcano just erupts with ALL of its power.

What are you waiting for? Resolve to renew!

~ Birgitte


For my family, these past holidays were the loveliest in a very long time. We spent time with friends, relaxed, had great home made meals, hiked, signed books (umm, this link isn't quite exact, click on the "Updates" tab), built awesome LEGO cars, and watched the entire first season of Marco Polo. Yep, we finally signed up for Netflix, and Marco Polo blew us away. Then I found out Season 2 hasn't even been shot yet. Yes, Season 2 isn't due out till December two thousand FIFTEEN. As in, twelve months from now.


What am I going to do for the rest of the year?

After drowning my sorrows in one episode of HBO's Silicon Valley (just one, because it left me positively underwhelmed), I remembered it's really ok as I only watch TV about once a year, because I'm too busy writing books, running LUCITA and after my little one, and trying to keep up a regular exercise routine. Among about a thousand other things.

So I jumped back into the swing of things with my first blog post of the year: a "greatest hits" collection of posts I had written for The Write Practice over the past 18 months; work for our clients, all of whom we're blessed to love and have a really good time working with; and planning for the next phases of the Tsunami project, The Visionary project, that novel about the history of cacao now going through editing, and our latest endeavor, a new educational game for children and parents alike.

Which you're going to hear lots more about in the coming months.

Latest news on the Tsunami project. As you know we are done with Phase I—our Indiegogo campaign. And yet... we are not. Indiegogo sent us an email in the New Year inviting us to participate in their new program InDemand, which allows successfully funded campaigns to reopen, and stay open indefinitely, or as long as the campaign owners can handle it.

So we've put together the next set of goals, which you are more than welcome to tell your friends about so they, too, can join the campaign!--but in the meantime, the books are going out the door, and the eBook is out!

Also wanted to share with you some of the lovely emails we've been receiving from people:

-- Thank you thank you so very touching and beautiful. I feel so lucky to have seen the [campaign] post and found you! This work is filled with ... blessings.

-- Just received the book Birgitte. Beautiful!

-- I received the magnificent creation you and Dan contributed to the Universe yesterday: inspirational, amazing, beautiful in every way. Congratulations to you and Dan... and thank you for bringing such deep and penetrating--and thus empowering--life to light.

Most importantly perhaps, especially for my fellow writers and publishers out there, or anyone who ships any sort of physical, tangible product, I want to share with you a wonderful company I discovered. I discovered them while searching for a responsible packaging supplier because I didn't want to send out this beautiful book that means so much to us and to everyone who's been a part of it, packed in virgin cardboard or environment-polluting styrofoam peanuts.

They're called EcoEnclose, they're right here in the US, that gorgeous state called Colorado, and they make compostable, biodegradable, fully recycled packaging. One call with one of their lovely service reps and I was in love forever. We ordered a big shipment of custom-built cardboard boxes and corrugated bubble--so those of you receiving the books now, don't throw that packaging away! Recycle or reuse it. Compost it. Whatever you prefer, just no landfill.

Gotta start this vibrant New Year right. :-)

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