The Muse: January 2018: Sail on!

The Muse

Happy New Year! Are we happier and healthier, more productive and prosperous yet?

I'll get right to the point.

I don't do resolutions. I do strategy. Here's why.

A resolution is simply an intent, which as we (should) all know is not necessarily followed up by long-term action or fulfillment. Don't get me wrong. It's a wonderful concept and tradition; it speaks to rejuvenation, a remake, a refreshed "you." It gets buckets of articles written about it every New Year. It's a wonderful word; it sounds like champagne in heels.

And it's infamous for being left in the dust as we gleefully sink back into our old habits, hot chocolate in hand.

But strategy is much more demanding and gives you more results. It makes you look deep into that mirror and identify not only the *what* that you want but the *why* and the *how*... and usually the *who* and the *when,* too.

Strategy also comes with a tactical plan. Deliverables. Oh, you want to achieve ABC. Great. What's the XYZ plan of action to get there?

Read on, captain of your ship. Here's the unabridged version of the New Year's Musing.

May your 2018 be happy, healthy, and strategic.

~ Birgitte

Now comes the moment I've been quietly nursing, nurturing, and nudging, for months.

Months of sifting through stacks of drawings, paintings, and more drawings. Deciding on categories. Carbon dating mini masterpieces I had somehow forgotten to record. Taking hundreds of photos, of course without having read "Art Photography for Dummies." Hmmm this camera angle's all wrong. Too low. Nope, too high. Ooh what's that weird discoloration? Crikey it's my shadow. Darn the light's too sharp. Oh no this background just doesn't work. How did this get crumpled?? Reshoot.

Then, researching the "prah-puh" way of listing the dimensions of art work. Which of course meant having to measure each and every one.

And then the design and development, testing and troubleshooting with our web master, a creative himself. Learning a new back-end system. If you've ever built a web site, you know what I'm talking about.

All this while the little artist was...

- Spinning around on her chair (yeah we got her one of those that swivels around. Wrong move.)
- Playing Minecraft (or Crossy Road or Monument Valley, other faves)
- Sleeping
- Sneaking treats from the pantry
- Eating burritos with Dad
- Making more drawings and paintings for me to photograph

Well, she did help. I made her come up with titles for her works. Most of them.

So here it is. Aria Luna's new web site.

There's more to come... because more mountains of art await me.

And because I am one proud mama.

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