The Muse: August 2018

The Muse

I always say I don't have time to read because I'm busy. I run a business. I'm a mom. I'm developing an educational game and organizing art exhibits. I take the time to exercise and spend with my daughter. I'm (supposed to be) writing books.

But it's a big, fat, lie. I do read. Just not as much as I'd like to. I like long-form non fiction. Can be articles or entire books. But it's all non fiction, despite the fact that I write literary fiction, and there's a simple reason for that: I give a hoot about this world we live in, and this planet. And when you care about something, you want to understand it and thrive with/in it. To do all you can to support and help it thrive. (Same goes for our human relationships, too, right?)

They say, in fact, that more and more people are reading deeper, more thoughtful, non fiction, presumably as a way to understand the crazy geopolitics we're having to swim in. Count yours truly among those avid readers.

Apparently "deep reading" synchronizes your brain. Sounds like a spa for the mind!

It's a great big world out there. Not enough physical time to visit everywhere, talk to everyone, learn everything. But reading sure can make you come pretty close.

Read the full post here.

~ Birgitte


You might be wondering, whatever happened to the July issue? If you've been reading The Muse long enough, you know any time I miss an issue, there's a really good reason. And there's certainly a good reason this time. July was, among other things, full of preparations for Aria Luna's latest exhibit, which she has been working on for months.

It's called Fusion Tide, and it tells the story of the fearsome Bogo Mogo, a monster spawned in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch that turns marine life all around him into plastic zombies. The ocean's mythical protectors are called in, but despite their magical powers, Bogo Mogo keeps growing and getting stronger. There is only one thing that can save marine creatures from doom, and the ocean from turning into a soup of plastic.

Great story, right? Sadly, it borders too closely on non fiction. The oceans really are turning into a soup of plastic, and that's not their only problem. They're also warming up and acidifying. Luckily, this story can have a happy ending in real life. That's where the interactive, participatory part comes in.

To find out what this "one thing" is, you have to go see the exhibit and participate in an interactive quest... that's literally built right into the paintings. From now through October, the exhibit is on display at a small little-known technology company here in the Bay Area, so it's not open to the public unless you're touring the company campus. But there will be other venues, which we'll post as dates are confirmed. We're also building an online version of the Quest so everyone can participate no matter where they are in the world.

Fusion Tide is Aria's first solo show, so we're all very excited. But what's much more exciting is the potential of this art exhibit to inspire and engage all of us in defeating a real-life monster of a problem.

I haven't forgotten about my promise to reveal the winning chocolates in the International Chocolate Salon's Spicy Chocolate competition, for which I was invited to serve as a judge. Ironic, too, because I am not someone who likes a lot of spice. Some, yes, but not a lot.

It took two full rounds of tasting. Opening each little box, unpacking the little delight inside, and letting its flavors wash through, subside, and then all the after-flavors come in. Making sure I clear my palate before the next tasting. And then deciding Best Flavor, Best Ingredients, Best Taste, Best Texture, which creations were truly worthy of an award, in all of the categories they tasked judges with: Best Dark Chocolate, Best Milk Chocolate, Most Unique, and of course, the TOP Spicy Chocolate. Whew!

I even shared with my little Muse. Very surprised to see this young child lap up spicy chocolates with no issues.

Without further ado... here are the winners.

Happy to see some of those I voted for actually made it! The "Best Dark Chocolate, Gold category" is one of them: Dark chocolate with Kampot peppper. Incredible combination. Highly recommend for everyone to go out on a real limb when it comes to chocolate!

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