The Muse :: Issue Eleven :: July 2013 :: Gone APE

The Muse

Psst. Don't tell anyone but... I've gone APE. Not AWOL, not ASCII, and definitely not AOL (heavens not that). APE.

You can send me lots of bananas and feel free to ask me questions about what it's really like to live in a tree and have I seen Julia Butterfly Hill lately.

Of course if you do ask me that I'll send you straight to the bush. No monkeying around here, this is serious business. "APE" stands for Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur, Guy Kawasaki's new book on just about everything you need to know in the sparkly new digital publishing age. No matter how much you know about an industry, someone always knows something else, something more, something unusual or unique. And that's precisely what you want: keep that learning curve healthy!

The curious part about this is that I've been an author and an entrepreneur since forever, but a publisher only for the past 1.5 years, if you want to get technical about it. Late 2011 we started LUCITÀ Publishing, the publishing arm of my firm LUCITA that focuses primarily on non fiction books with a mission. Books told by people who know their stuff. Who've been there, done that, and want to make an impact on people's lives.

Right now, we're putting the finishing digital touches on the eBook version of Peasants Come Last, an extraordinary memoir by Dr. Larry Brown, former Country Director in Uganda for the Peace Corps.

We also just released the print version of my novella Verse in Arabic, now that our Goodreads giveaway has wrapped up. We'll be sending 7 copies to winners in the UK, US, Canada, and Belgium.

Next up will be local author Mickey Mestel's Wandering Turkana, another memoir about Africa, but this time it's a survival trek through some of the harshest terrain known to man: Lake Turkana in Northern Kenya. We're having a launch party in August and you're invited! Deets below under "Meet Me."

And all the APE's will be wearing dark sunglasses and Armani suits.

~ Birgitte

Do you have Sacred Sundays? If you don't, you should. At least one day a week should be nothing less than sacred. One day a week for you to do whatever you don't usually have time for, whatever you want, need, or miss, whatever feeds your soul. It's your sacred time.

That's the theme of the "Living in Sacred Time" sessions we're running this summer. Held on "Sacred Sundays," these are intimate, 7-person-max seminars on how our experience of, and relationship with, time impacts different aspects of our lives. A few weeks ago we did "Sacred Work," a session on how to leverage sacred time for our careers and professional lives, and yesterday we did the first session of "Sacred Health", on health, well-being, and how we can lead more enriched lives.

We'll do a repeat of Sacred Health on July 28, so if there's anything about your health and well-being you'd like a little extra insight into, sign up! Just a few spots left...!

In last month's issue of "The Muse," I introduced three of my fellow authors. I'd like to introduce three more—women from three very different cultures and professional backgrounds. Enjoy, and feel free to stop by their web sites!

Isabel is an amazingly prolific writer and active supporter of children's literacy. Set for release this August, her latest book is YES! WE ARE LATINOS, a literary docudrama that blends fictional narratives expressing the viewpoints of different Latino youths with non fiction text that fleshes out the history and contemporary facts about the Latino experience here in the US. For more about Isabel's rich body of work and glowing credentials, visit

Anne is a Renaissance woman. She teaches flute, is a massage therapist, a blogger and of course a writer. She lives in beautiful Oregon. Check out Anne's writing on her web site.

Mirel Bodner Abeles lives in Jerusalem where she works as an educational writer and editor. As an author, she writes fiction and creative non fiction. She also manages to find time to enjoy her family, hike the Holy Land, bake and cook, and sometimes even bead... Mirel can be visited at

On Friday, July 26 at 7pm, I'll be giving an Ignite talk at the beautiful Villa Lauriston in Portola Valley. What's Ignite? Think "mini TED" talk. Topic? Why, literature of course. More specifically, why reading literary fiction is good for you, and writing it even healthier.

Each presenter is allowed a small number of guests and I've got a few spots left—so if you're free that night and wish to attend, please email me with your RSVP.

WHAT: We're launching Wandering Turkana to the world! So whatever you're doing drop it and mark that calendar. Mickey Mestel, the man who walked (yes walked) to Lake Turkana not once but four times will be on hand to tell you all the juicy details. I'll be there as well, the proud beaming publisher of this new addition to the billions of books published every year.

WHEN: Thursday, August 15, 7pm.
WHERE: Books Inc., 301 Castro Street, Mountain View. Followed by libations at a cool Japanese restaurant around the block.
RSVP: Please RSVP so that we can submit as close to accurate a headcount to the people at Books Inc. as possible.

And yes you can wear your APE suit, but only if you have a good one.

Every writer is always told, submit, submit, submit your work to literary competitions. It's like vitamins for your career. What they don't tell you is "Oh and remember to bring your large red umbrella for the deluge of rejections."

A few weeks ago, this little email from Press 53 pops into my Inbox. I almost delete it, but then steel myself for the usual "We love your work but it's not what we're looking for" form email (you don't even get a real letter these days).

I had to read the email about three times before I realized my name really is on the list of selected works. And there it was: Finalist, for "Verse in Arabic."

Check it out: 2013 Press 53 Open Awards in the Novella Category (scroll down for the aforementioned novella category)

Let's pop that champagne!!

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