Jana Mason

Jana Mason
Healer, seer, peacemaker
Pawlet, Vermont

"Perhaps many of us are like these trees. Perhaps we have lost our roots and branches. ... The heavy energies that were created from all that has transpired over the centuries, need to be released, healed, and transmuted. It is time to stop passing the negative on to the next generation." 

The words on the pages of The Visionary stirred, empowered and added wood to the Fire that burns within me. The Fire that drives me onward, gives me life and guides me as I make my way in a world that seems blind and callous. A world, a society, a machine, a place and time where many are unable or refuse to see the light. 

On a recent trip across the country to offer prayers and ceremony for healing of the people and the Earth in certain areas, I was given the gift of a beautiful adventure that brought much into my life. Yet, amidst all this beauty I saw much destruction, disrespect, greed, and consumerism. At times it overwhelmed me. Upon my return home, it led me through some deep contemplation with many questions. When is enough enough? Is bigger and faster really better? How much do we have to take before we see what we are doing? What are we really doing to each other and this magnificent planet we call home? Are we building, creating and growing ourselves into destruction? 
The words on these pages, these powerful, truthful words of compassion and vision had me revisiting these questions and others.  These words reminded me how important it is to continue with the vision held within my heart.
The house I grew up in had a beautiful red maple on the front lawn. I enjoyed many hours beneath the branches. I always wanted to have one where I live now and have finally been able to do so! I was called to a certain place to look for the tree. The woman who runs this place was talking about some other trees she had just found down in the back nursery. The sprinkler line had issues over the winter and the trees were never mulched in. She was unable to give them the time and care they would need to survive. 
Something was calling and stirring within. We got the red maple loaded onto the truck and I asked the woman if I could see the other trees. I knew some of them would be coming home with me. There were quite a few and I knew that I couldn't, nor was I meant to, save them all. I looked around, visited with them and honored the calls of the ones who wanted to come with me. I spoke with the woman for a few more minutes and made the deal. I brought the red maple and four more trees to Heron Brook Haven. 
Each of these trees had issues with its roots and branches. One had good branches but very little root structure to support itself. Another had descent roots and some branches but not enough water. In the worst shape were two trees that had lost most of their roots: many of their leaves and branches were dead and dying, although some new branches were trying to sprout lower on their trunks. Now planted at my home, they are being given extra care and healing energy. We are nurturing them as they heal, grow and make their connection between Earth and Sky. 
Perhaps many of us are like these trees. Perhaps we have lost our roots and branches. Perhaps we just need to find the place or the person who can hear our calling. A place to reconnect, heal, and grow so we can find and fulfill our place in the Great Circle. For me, this world, even with all its chaos, is a beautiful, magical, wonderful place. This life is a gift, a blessed holy gift. I didn't always feel or see it that way. I too was like these trees—these wonderful, haggard, struggling, beautiful trees. This place, this land, this sacred space and all of its living things gave me the gifts of healing, truth, light, awareness, and so much more. They gave me roots and branches and in doing so gave me one of the greatest gifts. The gift of me.
Heron Brook Haven has come into being as a result of my own healing journey. It is how I honor and follow the dream that lives in my heart. The heavy energies acting upon Mother Earth, energies that were created from all that has transpired over the centuries, need to be released, healed, and transmuted. The hurt, sorrow, pain, and anger that lingers and hangs on impacts us all. It is time to stop passing the negative on to the next generation. 
Heron Brook Haven holds non-profit status as a Natural Earth-based Hospital. Its focus is on wholeness, well-being, and oneness rather than sickness, labels, and victimization. Through connections to the natural world, the Sacred Wheels, natural remedies, energy healing, inner work, and ceremony we aid, guide, and support those who come to us. Heron Brook Haven is blessed to offer a variety of programs and healing sessions that support our clients regardless of their experiences or where they are on their journey. We are also establishing a new funding program for those who have experienced trauma and are in need of deep healing and a place to stay away from the outside world. This program is named Meka’s Garden, after one of the gentlest, most loving and beautiful beings I have had the honor of sharing this journey with. She touched so many by her presence and our goal is for this program to do the same. 
Every person we help and support to remember and reconnect to their true essence and light, giving them strong, healthy roots and branches, supports the vision that I see, feel, and carry within my heart. A vision of peace and harmony that ripples out and creates a beautiful Circle of Life.
~ Jana Mason

Jana M. Mason is a mother of three and grandmother of six, and the founder and director of Heron Brook Haven, a Spiritual, Healing & Teaching Center that holds non-profit status as a Natural Earth-based Hospital. Jana has studied and trained with the Clanmothers and Earth Medicine for 13 years. She is a Reiki Master, Certified Holistic Counselor and Practitioner, Dowser, is licensed with the ULC, and has been initiated as a member of the Sisterhood. With all her training and studying she has come to understand that life itself is the greatest teacher. As a bridge between the spiritual and physical worlds she also hopes to be a bridge between the ancient earth-based ways and the modern world, realizing it will take both to get us to a brighter future. Passing on the healing, teachings and blessings that were gifted to her is one of her greatest pleasures. 

Learn more about Jana and her work at www.heronbrookhaven.org.